
‘Merica loves you, too, Lamborghini. Spotted on a Lamborghini Super Trofeo car during Lone Star Le Mans weekend.

You get a solid, one-one-thousand, two-one-thousand, three-one-thousand count. If you haven’t started moving, or your brake lights haven’t at least flickered off by then, you get the horn.

Nothing like burning $20k to stay warm. That dealer is lying, plain and simple.

“Dear wife, it’s a four seater. It’s a family car, let’s buy one.”

I had seriously considered this as a new car to replace my 9 year old Saab, but after looking at and driving an ST I realized that it wouldn’t work for me. A few weeks ago my local Ford dealer told me that they sold every RS they had, at $20K over sticker.

They’re all yellow

Nico Rosberg approves.

#TheRadarDOESShowAJetPlane #UseLeadTinFoilIsNotThickEnough

That chances of this tiger’s lunch winning the 2016 WDC are not GRRRRREAT.

There’s a claws in Hamilton’s contract that allows this.

If he hollers, let him go, Lewis.

I hope he can find perspective that no matter how much it was “his job” to prevent this, it was so much more the hijackers’ job not to do what they did. The burden is theirs to bear, not his.

How do you feel when they deduct taxes from your payroll?

Now playing

That’s one of the ugliest splices I’ve ever seen. Might as well just use some crimping connectors if you wanna half-ass it. Here’s the right way to splice:

“Rey’s speeder is among the new vehicles introduced in the movie. “J.J. was very particular about the design; we had to find a mechanized way to make it go across the desert,” says Corbould. “We built a bespoke steel chassis, with a high-powered motorbike engine in it and a hidden driver.” To complete the shots, they

I hate it when that happens.

Go check your intake manifold pressure before your floor boards fall off already.

You know what would save F1?