Pronouncing ‘Z’ ‘Zed’ only makes sense if you also pronounce the rest of the alphabet that way, like ‘Bed’, ‘Ced’, ‘Ded’ ect.. Otherwise, it’s just different for the sake of being different.
Pronouncing ‘Z’ ‘Zed’ only makes sense if you also pronounce the rest of the alphabet that way, like ‘Bed’, ‘Ced’, ‘Ded’ ect.. Otherwise, it’s just different for the sake of being different.
Definatly referring to turbos as “turbas"
"Testler"(best while said in hick accent) instead of Tesla. :)
I also like to say “Porsh” to very serious nerdy people
Good morning.
Forgive my ignorance, but wouldn't that make him a C2 unit?
You’re right. There’s only things they can do. Like not be racist.
I disagree, but you deserve a star for the use of “Hid.e.ous” anyway!
That thing is Hid.e.ous. And not in a good way.
“Let me be honest” is like a huge warning for “I WILL BE AN ASSHOLE NOW” right up there with “well actually” “I’m not racist, but” and “WULL-”
Fog over Laguna Seca.
No way could a car, coming in at that angle survives enough to keep running. But what we saw in the movie was (is) a miracle! All praise the All-Mighty!!!
This is the kind of start I want to have on a Monday morning. But now I just want to go home and hang out with my puppy.
So even the planes don’t want to go to Florida?
A prototype of a new rotary-powered Mazda ‘RX-9' has been approved by the company’s board of directors to hit…
Be careful of Philadelphia, people!