You Greg Heads will always find a way to shit on my man Tim. Really disrespectful to the legacy of Tom Cruise Heidecker.
You Greg Heads will always find a way to shit on my man Tim. Really disrespectful to the legacy of Tom Cruise Heidecker.
“I love absurdist comedy, and I’ve never been able to appreciate Tim (and Eric).”
One benefit of marriage is the legal rights that go with it. Being considered next of kin for end of life and emergency medical treatment decisions, for example (or inheritance, in the absence of a will). A marriage certificate matters a lot when it come to international immigration or visas. There can be financial…
I love comedy from John Mulaney to Dave Chapelle and everything in between. It’s not comedy if it’s not funny. Thats all that should really matter. Her dress size her sexual preference means fuck all when it comes to something being funny or not. Fortune Feimster is a lesbian comedian fucking hilarious same with Jessic…
Yeah, actually, they did...
To be fair, a lot of the rave reviews seem to carry overtones of moral superiority and suggest that those who don’t find it funny are the shitty people who are the targets of her barbs. In the same way that folks who don’t find it particularly funny can just quietly ignore it and go on about their lives, it’s just as…
Well, this is a pop culture website where people discuss why they like / don’t like something, so it’s par for the course. There is no quietly not caring for something here, and, personally, I like it. That’s why I come here, to read and express opinions on pop culture.
i mean it goes without saying she’s on the softball team, not baseball
Wars in the Middle East, tax cuts, border walls, kids in cages, and my right to own an assault rifle are in the Bible. Healthcare ain't.
I’ll never understand how it’s completely fine for The US to waste trillions on Middle East Wars, border walls, kids in cages and tax cuts for the rich but won’t even bother to fund a universal healthcare system.
Aside from 'The Masked Singer,' of course.
We don’t really have a mechanism for nationwide referenda.
The video mentions Medicare-for-all is a misleading title because there are still costs to Medicare, but that Bernie Sanders’ plan would eliminate all costs.