
Honestly, for better or for worse, that gratuitousness is part of the tonal whiplash that’s the franchise’s signature.

“This is a deep, serious space opera where your complex, moral decisions shape the future of a galaxy.”

is entwined with

“dur hur hur. all the blue aliens are sexy gurls”

Mass Effect was never as smart

Boarderlands 3 sucks and im a fan of the series, loved 2

late stage capitalism hard at work coalescing the world’s wealth into fewer and fewer companies and hands. 

Randy Pitchford—who will stay on as boss of the company

Am I imagining things or does it feel like there’s a lot of video game devs getting swallowed up recently?  

Double Xp hitting real specific with their age demographic with that reference. I feel old now.

Why do so many of the comics look so low res today? 

“For all that I loved this story for, I do find it hilarious that if at some point the siblings talk about the story and realize that it was actually based on true events from their childhood, then there will be a really awkward moment a minute later when they understand what that means about the sister and their

Few quick notes on the finale:

I think it’s more of the point that the mainstream media has enabled Trump this whole entire time and giving him more space to spew his gibberish is not good for anyone in general.

I’ve seen comments in the previous episodes how this show doesn’t have as many scary moments than Hill House did. While I agree with that, I also feel it is clearly be design. Hill House was build around this central mystery what happened to mess the children up and the House itself was a malicious force. Yet I’d

It’s a game that sold over 200 million units with apparently 126 million playing monthly. We can take bets if you want. 

It’s the nature of Smash at this point. Every person in the community has their own personal dream roster additions, so no matter who you pick most of the public will be disappointed.

Everyone under 25.

It amazes me how so many people don’t grasp this. Or do and just resent Minecraft that much. I’ve never played it*, but this game absolutely deserves representation in Smash. And it's an unorthodox fighter, which is the best kind of character to add.

Shovel Knight deserves a placement far more than Ori IMO, even though it’s relegated to Assist Trophy status.

LOL. I love it. There are a bunch of others that would be great also, but I like this. If Smash is “Videogames: The Game”, then minecraft deserves it’s representation.

Ha ha ha, what?

Seems less like a reason to buy an Xbox and more of a reason to buy a good gaming PC. 

I don’t know. I mean, everyone complains about Xbox not having any great exclusives, those are some pretty popular titles to consider exclusives. Why would they release them on PS when these are titles that will draw people to your console?