
Thanks to reader Paul for the tip. The thanks wouldn’t fit in the format, so you get a whole damn comment.

The notion that they do though it’s unfortunately dominating the conversation now. And that attitude is precisely the problem. It seems that a lot of the cosplayers and their fans expect to operate under different rules than literally everyone else at the convention.

Gotta say, I don’t think most cosplayers do deserve to be reimbursed for their time and effort. I hate that something that started out as fans making costumes in their free time is now being turned into a showcase for professionals. It gets worse when people compare the work of someone with a full time job doing it as

Im fine with cons hiring cosplayers for panels and whatnot - if they want them.

Seem like the difference is that the person was soliciting the Santa Fe convention as opposed to the Santa Fe convention inviting them. Obviously if the convention asked them to come there should at least be reimbursed for travel costs like most guests do. Most guest don’t actually get paid directly from from the cons

I guess “Bungie’s space treadmill” was just too real...

It’s a better idea to list real pros and cons of both candidates then the bs you posted. But then, you aren’t looking for dialog, just pushing opinion.

I kind of wish that he had some sort of link to Wedge Antilles, possibly flew with him or something in the past.

I’m black and I think that’s a really absurd way of thinking about the push for diversity. It’s incredibly limiting to think that each person should only fight for the success of and draw attention to the struggles of the group they belong to.

I go back and forth on this song, but what always brings me back to liking it is the line “at least I’m gonna say that I tried.”

How is “a woman afraid of what society thinks eventually overcomes that fear and does what she wants” not an improvement over “a man roofies and rapes a woman who just wants to get home to her family”?

Someone on Twitter recently (I wish I could remember who) pointed out that, the way it was originally written and performed, what this song is really about is a woman who wants to buck social norms of propriety and stay with him but feels pressured to leave so she doesn’t suffer social consequences and stigma. And

I was with you until the last bit. That is such a horrible, massive generalization that has no bit of merit to it.

I am so glad I chose now to get into Destiny. The Taken King and all this Kotaku coverage has been great.

So, I’m doomed to a life of no friends as I hate all people. It’s just too hard to hide my loathing for all others.

I was going to post a similar story. I had to get a replacement for my Xbox One at one point, and when I hooked up the new console, everything was already there waiting for me. No more lost data, saves, settings, etc. No more manual backups.

So we all have certain games we’re “embedded” with, and the goal is to cover them as closely as possible/for our coverage to show games as a ongoing, living thing. Kirk has been spearheading Destiny’s coverage, and he’s been really nailing it, I think, which is probably why our muscle there stands out. Couple that