
Here you go

So great to see the old granny STILL voicing Goku! Considering this is the 30th year anniversary of the anime, this means she was at it for 30 years!

Guitar Hero controller blindfolded pebble-only run.

I'm guessing a significant chunk of that Tower time has been spent A) looking for Xur and B) jumping from plant to plant while waiting for everyone to finish getting ready.


I think you mean.......

For those with jimmies:

I've got all three and while Gjallarhorn is certainly the most powerful, Ice Breaker is by far the most useful on a daily basis. It's nice that Black Hammer is legendary and can be used with Suros or the Mythoclast, but its precision ammo perk is very fickle, and has situational uses (though it sure is ridiculous

It can be a pain if you mistime it for sure. A really good place if the Pumice Threads and/or patrols bounty is up as well.

Ah, yeah, typo. I meant Simiks-3. Thanks, Enthusiastic Commenter Who Has Clearly Played Even More Destiny Than I Have!

Some people just like explosioning.

"plunge his thumb into the Postmaster's box"

There was a large debate about this on an article by Doug Demuro a few months back. Glad to see that studies and the general public are are finally seeing what we traffic engineers have been saying for years. Red light cameras don't work at all.


I endorse this trend of looking at current buggy game releases with contempt and derision. Keep up the good work.

"Repeat forever" would be a good tagline for Destiny.

removing the passenger seat makes for a tough relationship between you and your co-driver