I should be shocked how gamers went from “ra-ra consumer rights!” to “please go back to being a defacto monopoly!” on a fucking dime.
I should be shocked how gamers went from “ra-ra consumer rights!” to “please go back to being a defacto monopoly!” on a fucking dime.
Lets be real, only one of those is made to be a general games store, gog. The rest are launchers for one company to bypass steam’s cut. Epic is doing something different here and is the only one that will directly compete with Steam.
Maybe GoG will raise the ante then. That would be a good thing too.
Does anyone know GoG’s cut? No one is talking about them, so I guess it can’t be much different than Steam’s.
As long as it is clearly noted that it has been restored at the time of any potential sale, I don’t see the issue with it. Other than personal opinion, I feel like most sane and logical people could agree.
In this case, it was Pitfall! and Wrestlemania. I get the feeling the collector value is low since everyone and their sister had one.
I’d say it depends on how much a game is worth to begin with as to how much I care about its restoration. I’ve torn and cut apart an Asteroids cartridge to throw a Raspberry Pi in, but I might have more hesitations on dismembering A Link to the Past or Chrono Trigger.
I get the vintage value.
But if it’s yours, if it’s damage, and you got the proper skills to do it: Well, go ahead and do it.
still too soon :(
That’s pretty darn impressive. I’m assuming it survived because it landed directly on the joy con. I’d be quite curious to see how it would fare on a front or back facing drop.
I’ve got two girls. The older one is 12 now and kicking ass in overwatch, and forgetting all about every other chore she possibly can. the younger is 3 and is too cute to be the unholy spawn of satan that terrorizes my household every day.
don’t have kids. seriously. you’ll never have a life again, AND you’ll have to…
I always tell people... being a dad is the best thing I have ever done. Being a parent is the worst.
As a childless/petless adult, my perspective about kids is that they’re like puppies. You can have a couple, but they require so much attention to keep them alive. However, they can be extremely rewarding as well, sharing in that thing known as unconditional love.
My wife and I are discussing having kids. From what it sounds like in this discussion, kids are wonderful but don’t do it. My friend in college described snorting cocaine in a similar way: “It’s f**king awesome man, but don’t do it”
I have two kids. I will never love something as much as them. Worst experience of my life......
Should be a “Kotaku top Comments 201X”
I would walk through fire for my two kids. I haven’t been happy in years. I don’t remember laughter.
Same. My two boys are wonderful. Don’t do it.
I love long ass RPGs but haven’t finished one in years, I just have trouble sticking to games long enough to beat most of them. I’m too old to have time or care if I beat the game. I am proud when I do finish one though. To me finishing a game just means beating story, fuck yo collectibles. Oddly enough doom 2016 is…
Video Game Shit I’m Too Old For: Grinding.