
I hope people who know how are filing FOA requests for the Race Paper. Since they’ve admitted it was all 100% bullshit they can’t rightly claim it contains classified info, and I’d love to see what nonsense the Fed is talking about black people in 2017. 

Just buy a sportscar if you have a tiny dick that you can’t get up. Punching children is no way to deal with your sad-sies because you’re a limpdick beta.

What would be a scenario which warranted his re/actions?

Well one side is a fucking child so it's not hard to pick a side. Nothing else matters. Don't assault children.

I’d guess that the majority of atheists aren’t proclaiming that god definitely doesn’t exist, but that they don’t believe that god exists. The distinction between these is important. If you posit a belief, you need to back it up. This is the burden of proof, and there is no proof of god.

Sure guy, let’s be pedantic. Ideally there should be no black on black crime so that there are fewer police shootings, not none, just fewer.

Thing is, if there is a reduction in black on black crime, it will help to remove the prejudice the police have, which should also translate into fewer police shootings.

>Thing is, if there is a reduction in black on black crime, it will help to remove the prejudice the police have, which should also translate into fewer police shootings.<

I mean if we’re using made up numbers at this point let’s just say the ideal number should be eleventy. He’s asking a realistic question about why there’s this whole discussion about black on black crime when if you go to an urban area the majority of people in that area most times will be black. So if the majority of

I don’t think the conversation should ever be shifted away from the topic of police brutality and racism

Simple answer: because when it gets brought up in these contexts it’s derailing the discussion from cop on civilian crime to civilian on civilian crime.

ah this old canard...every clockwork. Some concern troll wades into a thread about black people being executed by law enforcement with this. If your post is genuine, you have some soul searching to do about your understanding of the 2 completely different problems and your lack of understanding about

This discussion always confuses me. The FBI crime stats show that in about 92% of cases in which the victim is black, the perpetrator’s race — if known — is black. So in your mind, if this is wrong, what would the ideal percentage be?

The police are put in a position to protect citizens, not execute them. This is the reason why there are so many conversations surrounding these murders of blacks.

You’re not trying to shutdown discussion, just asking questions to redirect the discussion towards irrelevant shit that doesn’t involved criticizing white institutions for their abuse of POC.

I don’t see why it should be included in this discussion. Since it’s a whole different subject. You know, outside of this discussion. You only hear about black-on-black crime when it’s used as a way to dilute the discussion about police violence. Other than that nobody seems to give a fuck.

Black people talk about crime within their own communities constantly. You don’t hear about it because it’s a problem that doesn’t effect or involve you, and that you only care about when you need a false equivalency to shutdown discussions about police brutality and racism.