D.j. Hostettler

Pitchfork founder Ryan Schreiber was an early champion of the Wrens. I actually got into them in the Secaucus era because my music director at WRST in Oshkosh, WI tossed me the CD and said, "hey, review this for the station. You'll probably like it; they thank Brainiac in the liner notes."

Hey thanks!

The Shudder to Think/SDRE/Brainiac tour was my second time seeing them too! It was when they came through at Kutska's Hall in Green Bay. I felt really bad for Sunny Day having to do their moody emo thing after the whirlwind insanity of a Brainiac set.

Heh, yep. We can't stay away when Brainiac's being discussed.

Wisconsin in the late 90s early 2000s had a couple bands that worshipped at the Brainiac altar. Do a search for AluminumKnotEye; there should be a few live clips and tunes out on the internet to check out.

I can't even begin to explain the influence this band had on me as a musician and as a person. Seeing Tyler Trent nearly fall off his throne more than once caused me to say to myself, "ah, that's how you behave like a front man while drumming." Seeing them saunter through the door of the Concert Cafe in Green Bay, WI

"Hum’s debut album, Fillet Show, was released in 1991 on Twelve Inch Records, a small-town label based in Champaign, Illinois, the band’s hometown"


The murder victim went to my high school and knew my younger sisters. Yeah, it's a pretty open wound in the community to this day.