
Yep my Flex has two usbs.

Fans of any team who do trust its owners are idiots. Every owner of every team would shit all over the fans, the city, and all current and former players if they could make a buck from it.

They’re on top of the world and are in control of the whole game, but can’t stop playing the victim card and whining like pathetic losers about how much everyone is out to get them. It’s not only annoying, it’s completely counterproductive, as they’re going to wake up soon on the bottom of the world, with no one to

I hear Xbox ONEs are on sale this week at WalMart. If you hurry, you might be able to grab 1,000 of them before they’re off to a landfill. 

Yea they gather all their piss and shit and dump it in parking lots in Reno. Very responsible!

Hmm a murderer with no accompanying photo or descriptor of an ethnic minority...

This is really going to complicate his supreme court confirmation hearing in 2052.

The point is not that Beadle is easy to replace, it’s that ANY of these sausage necks would be equally as easy to replace as Beadle, so they should just shut the fuck up and settle down about the “importance” of their “work.”

“I can see how what he’s describing would be annoying to deal with, but is there a chance that it’s hypercritical?”

Take it easy, Miracle.

When a ‘90s Malibu needs new tires, I’m pretty sure it’s considered totaled.

Oakland’s not a small market, they’re cheap.

I was a season ticker holder from 1995 to 2010 or so and I can tell you why I don’t go to A’s games anymore:  Ownership has shit all over the community with their constant quest to move the team, they’ve allowed the Coliseum to fall apart (remember this is a facility that had almost 3 million attendees in 1990 how is

Maybe if they did some promotions related to the unique characteristics of the ballpark they would draw more fans. For example, a lot of teams have a “kids run the bases” promotion, the A’s could do a “ride a river of shit” promotion.

A common misconception of folks whose only experience of California is either LA or SF (or the associated road trips on 5 and 80) is that they think of the whole state as wealthy. It’s not. Drive up 101 past all the Napa glitter and you’re back to rural poverty that’s not quite as bad as some of the awful stuff in the

And then there is McGregor.

Well at least they were doing that instead of beating their wives.

I didn’t see the fight but this is the first analysis I’ve read that really made it sound like Cejudo should have won. Most either said it could go either way or that DJ won and was jobbed (being that he landed 50% more strikes).

Also, the call out was insane, stupid and exactly what the UFC deserves after Bork Lensor

What a country.

What are you talking about? I specifically said that he threw away the position to Ricciardo; that one was obviously Bottas’ fault.