Heavily armed crack houses full of insane criminals
Heavily armed crack houses full of insane criminals
Yes, it works through the echo app on any kindle tablet.
If only someone had come up with a device that could record your every conversation/email/text and fooled you to carry it around with you!
It will never be shot at so who cares?
What exactly is "reasonable" about this? You know all those times the police have had to needed to crash an armored truck into a building, all of those 0 times. Yeah this works way better.
Getting stuck in a 2 hour wait for the corner, then it becomes people's concern.
Watch out, hot takes coming through.
I hope people in Cuba are unable to come out of poverty because I find looking at them quaint.
The supply chain for the consumables to keep them flight worthy has long dried up, it would take a massive undertaking to get one of them in the air again. Curators at the Pima air and space museum in Tucson told me the program cost $100,000 an hour to keep the SR-71s in the air.
Cool Stuff Inc
Its much more streamlined, and its a little harder. Shares some mechanics but I find it to be a better game overall. Its not going to appear less complex though, you still have stacks of cards everywhere.
UP just keeps trees clear of their ROW. No lasers required.
I think all of them are in the bay area, See these a lot in sunnyvale cupertino area.
Building down costs a lot more than building up.
So does everyone in any service industry. Or any industry. Or anything involving money. They provide a service, that you pay for. You know exactly what they change going in, I don't get your hard on against them.
Generally you would save up the down. Not something you just have "laying around.
Clearly your one bad experience with one realtor means they are all a sham.
Its 3% from the sales price, you don't add 3% on top of what you pay. A good realtor isn't just interested in one transaction with you, they want to be with you when you buy your next property.