
By that weak definition feudal governments are capitalist with a single private owner, the king. Disney can't stop competing amusement parks from being built in LA or Florida. The model of company towns from the turn of the century are paternalist, not capitalist.

Not allowing competing stores into the town is not capitalist.

It was a company town designed to wring every last dollar out of the employees who were forced to live there

Its closer to feudalism with indentured servants, certainly not capitalist.

You mean how much MMMMMAAAAAAAAAAADDDDDDDDDDD recognition?

Dr carver's shave butter from Dollar shave club, best i have used.

Dr carver's shave butter from Dollar shave club, best i have used.

It was shot at just never hit. Sounds combaty to me.

Architects need a little help from their engineer friends to actually build anything.

Didn't have any real impact on the war, and the seas thoroughly ruled the Monitor.

You don't sail a douchecanoe, you paddle it. Should be a douche schooner or something.

Shirt of one too.


Point being this plane in no way would have won the war for Germany.

Maybe having a flying wing would have prevented a blunderous invasion of Russia, or something?

What is the advantage to this over google's off line maps?

Thats not at all what they are offering. Unless you think your employer gets access to your medical records in exchange for offering you health insurance.