
It was shot at just never hit. Sounds combaty to me.

Didn't have any real impact on the war, and the seas thoroughly ruled the Monitor.

Shirt of one too.

What is the advantage to this over google's off line maps?

Thats true for every player, on every team, in any sport. Isn't any player making above the league minimum greedy?

They aren't trying to make money.

If every player played for one dollar, he could build a really good team. I don't get why a player trying to maximise his income over his career is bad, while a team maximising profit is good. Just because people drink the coolaid of "loyalty" for a business located near their home town doesn't make this true.

It benefits the GM and the owners, not the team.

Why is player greed bad, gm greed good?

"I dislike popular things" What out people, hot takes coming through.

One side coming out with something awesome drives the other to do the same. Meh from a big announcement hints that there won't be any major leaps in tech.

Working in customer pickup at OSH in college, people in these would always have us load their purchases into the rear seats, not the bed.

Bro do you even articulate?

Is it cheaper for the same sammy? No, deli will make it better than your bullshit home reuben.

So since my time is free, its cheaper to make at home, or something?

There are more important things to spend money on then beating the communist bogey man to space.

You are using victim as some sort of catch all, as if all "victims" are portrayed in the same way. They are not. That is the issue.

Strawman or false dichotomy doesn't really matter. Your claim of only two options wasn't substantiated. The onus is one you to show why only two options exist.

You really don't know how logic works do you?

Point being missed is the documentary you point to show woman having agency about what is going on to them. In the games bad things happen to over sexualised "whores". Vast majority of of female npc exist only as victims, not as agents in the world. How you made up statistics with only 33% of women being prostitutes