
I feel like such a loser: I was in San Ramon and came home to Texas on Friday. I could have easily stayed through the weekend and headed up to San Fran. Doh!!!!!!

I too was shocked they missed that the cop car is a Caprice. there's even a freaking Chevy badge on it!

@layabout: But will there be a sequel to the music video????

Isn't that where Classic BMW used to be? They new place is pretty nice up near 121 and DNT. Is that a Classic VW dealer then?

@ash78: COTD, totally

The story behind the restore on this car really is quite cool. Here's the link for those of you who wish to read about it:

AM I the only one who wants to know how Jalopnik could post that video, with the front of the van clearly destroyed, but then say "...when a motorcycle rammed into the side of a van..."? Perhaps my physics is bad, but that sure looks like the van hit the motorcycle, and that look like the front of the van, not the

So are all these cars located in Alameda? I'm in San Ramon for a few days on business, I may have to venture over and take a look around myself.

Nissan should be offering a bonus for those affected by it. What about people waiting to get their last minute Xmas shopping done, and now can't have that new toy for Timmy under the tree, or money needed for family visits, etc.