
Sorry, how on earth is this an appropriate response from a professor? She's going outside of official channels to punish him. Thank goodness Dodai had the class not to mention his name

I'm glad someone else is picking up on that too. She punished him once, through official channels and is now trying to publicly humiliate the poor kid. At best she's trying to suck up to Dodai, at worst she's trying to sic the internet on him AFTER she's gone through official channels

(Elaine Bennis)

But it wasn't, she took it through the university, he's on academic probation at the very least,

I don't think she is a class act. I think she was trying to publicly humiliate the kid. Don't forget she's already had him formally disciplined by the school.

It was noble of you not to post his name, Ms. Stewart. It seems like the professor was a fan of yours and wanted to reach out and, unfortunately, was also trying to publicly humiliate him on top of taking his case through the school's disciplinary channels. The latter seems a little inappropriate and harsh.

Just bought an '04 with 96K miles for 5,800-. Had to pay another 1200 for repairs but it was worth it. Great car thus far.

Might not be feasible to poison the water supply, but collapsing the access tunnel could cost the city billions of dollars. Makes sense to me why they'd keep it discrete.

hris (Chris?) why don't you tell us a few details about this job that you? Was it an investment bank, a newspaper, a Fortune 500 company grinding out widgets? Be much more interesting to hear how you arrived at your conclusions — which seem a little bland — than just hearing the list.

Get a divorce. It sounds harsh, but long term you'll cut costs and feel much better

it's jarring and easy for an editor to to catch