
She's also a quarter Sac and Fox Indian and was performing a religious ritual during the photoshoot. CONTEXT PEOPLE.


Watching this gave me the chills. WHAT LOOKS LIKE a cosmonaut floats away...

Didn't I see this done better on DigitalRev TV?

The Juche????

Let us not and say that we did.


Yeah this is list is retarded without it.

Yeah, I was just there and couldn't for the life of me figure out how to pay the toll. I have plates from an Indian Nation so I'm hoping they couldn't read it

I find this hard to believe. I'm an adjunct at a similar college and have trouble believing he would deal with so many starting players let alone encounter so many once-in-a-blue-moon incidents. Speed shakes? A fag bashing essay? How convenient for his narrative... And how dare he write something like this before

Which snarky real-talkers have been shitting on the MFA?

Nope, they usually get an Master of the Science of Journalism, a Master of Professional Writing or Master of Arts. Communications is another

I agree but it depends on the field. Freelance writing (I'm a freelancer), which pays quarterly, probably needs at least four months of practice. Something that pays with a little more frequently and at higher rate you could probably get away with less

They should make an OKCupid button that does this

Here's the thing though, if you are a fugitive, you know that you're going to get caught. They don't stop looking for you ever. And if you know that, you might as well have some fun with them before they haul you in. Kudos to Edmund. Godspeed.

Cats aren't deer. He'll bolt.

If you make a noise the cat should run out from under the hood. You just don't want the first noise you make to be turning the ignition because it'll flay the fucking thing.

Out here in the country (Oklahoma) most people let them wander free. They do the same with their dogs. There are colonies of ferals and they're racked with disease - FiV, FeLV, and even one case of rabies this year. KEEP THEM INSIDE!

To be fair to the alleged plagiarist, the Gawker group does tend to 'borrow' a lot of content, although the USUALLY cite where they stole it from

In real life she's a billionairess movie star, which is pretty cool