
Ten thousand years from now, white people are going to be spoken about like vampires. Mythical, evil beings who Future Humanity — a humanity consisting only of people of color (including billions of augmented humans)— won’t believe ever existed. “No people could possibly be that evil,” they will say...

Right let’s not go overboard when standing up to white supremacy. Make sure you don’t make a mess. 

“To play the devils advocate”

Nextcloud, run it yourself, dropbox but only limited to the size of your hard drives.

My wife and I have an abiding belief that every person on the planet should be made to work at least one year in the service industry, be that retail, food service, customer support, or what have you.

The idea behind this belief is that while having walked a mile in the company shirt won’t stop everyone from shitting

They support Democratic Socialism which is based on the principles of a democracy. Like FDR and Teddy Roosevelt. Democratic Socialism is using a little money from everyone to provide services for everyone. This country already has many social constructs paid for with our tax dollars - the military, highways and

Jesus Fuck. I’m sorry for cursing. And I know this probably won’t get out of the greys, but I need to write this down or I’m going to burst:

Whoa, that made me cry just thinking of the words.  

And this part is just heartbreaking. He sounds so calm and collected, which makes it seem like he had completely given up. The audio clips are so surreal and actually kind of hard to listen to.

“I got a lot of people that care about me. It’s going to disappoint them to hear that I did this. I would like to

That hair color is Clairol Nice ‘N Easy Aryan Dawn.

Anyone who is concerned with being called or referred to as an “ally” is doing it wrong. Anyone who gives a shit about being “invited to the cookout” is doing it wrong.

The dragon lazily sat in its pile of gold, tapping each coin with its blood crusted talons. At each tap it’s smile imperceptively grew. Suddenly the villagers burst in smelling of yet to be cooked flesh.
“We give and give but it seems like you don’t care or appreciate us, weve had enough! The villagers cried.
“If I

“Breaking News: We Found One Person in the Trump Administration Who Secretly Has Ties To America!

Even in the midst of our pain and anguish we have to consider how our actions are affecting other people who are only tangentially involved in a terrible, terrible situation.


forgive me for copying a post from another blog on this topic but....

I don’t know if I can ever forgive the generations of adults who eagerly introduced little girls to the prospect of receiving male attention by romanticizing abusive behavior. It’s disgusting.

“Civilians do not generally wear camouflage” -- written by someone who has never been to a Wal-Mart in the Midwestern/Southern U.S.

Well, it didn’t stop Ronnie, it sure as shit isn’t going to stop Donnie.

It’s because they intimidate each other just as much, if not more, than they intimidate citizens.