Can you.
Can you.
We need to start putting this in context for the taxpayers who fund the police.
I’m a data person, so I always look at the methods for these kinds of things and that study is actually over-reporting white fertility rates.
Psychopaths are really having a moment right now.
When I was told that I was an ‘Unoffical DAR’ (one of my male dudes fought in the Revolutionary War [AND survived, - more info please]), I was like YAS! But then I said “no” because he used that advantage to buy up a shit-load of land only to sell if for.... OK, you already know the Trump Realty Game :(
“Pro-life Susan B. Anthony grp statement:
We are “completely dedicated to protecting the first right w/out which no other rights matter: the right to life...”
I met my dad at 28, after 25 years of nothing. At 3, my mom moved me across country and we’d not had a word of contact until I was well grown and sought him out. After I contacted him, he called my house DRUNK and I had to hide from his calls for a couple days. Then I chatted with him over the phone a bunch of times…
Thanks for the validation, colonizer
This can’t be said loudly enough;
Black women are so damn dope.
So a black woman gets 5 years for casting a vote she didn’t know was illegal to cast, and a white woman who intentionally voted twice got 2 years probation and a small fine.
My point is, don’t blame that woman for that motherfucker killing her. We’ll never know what would have happened had she gave up the keys. That dude was evil enough to rob a mom at gunpoint, right in front of her kids and you automatically assuming that he would have done the “decent” thing and “just” robbed her?
Remember when Barack was President and we didn’t have to worry about who anyone was fucking and what porn they were watching?
He’s not even a good con artist, though. He doesn’t bother to try to cover his tracks or be discreet, because he’s used to operating in a crooked real-estate-developer world where you can get away with that shit, and he somehow thinks you can do the same thing in federal government.
Here’s an idea.
I was beaten quite a bit as a child. I wasn’t a “bad kid” or a troublemaker, I just happened to come from a violent…
Alright now.
Holy Shit. This woman is an actual, literal emotional vampire.
Aaaaannnnd....I now must watch this movie again.