Now playing

Was Mr. Blobby actually a kids show character, or more zany fun for adults? haha.

One pot for me. I also go a bit overboard with mine, too.

Now playing

I really liked this one, too, but more as a performance piece.

Now playing

You think Penn is actually taken aback by this one (even with a little stage showmanship,) or all staged?

Laid off from tech position ten years ago (which, we saw coming miles away, but stuck in a depressive rut to do anything about.) Went to school for something unrelated, but came back to tech position in different department. Did five years of that, and found myself in another rut. Left tech position to try my hand at

Before the internet, watched one too many informercials and decided to use this POS clear acrylic paint coating on a restored Z-28 so I wouldn’t have to exert any effort on behalf of my lazy ass in waxing it from time to time. You could see those streaks half a block away. You think I put in any effort to buff it off?

My first car was an 89' Ford Escort EXP. 89k on the odometer, shit alignment, and blown rear hatch shocks (that rear hatch window was SO heavy!) But I loved it, and with the added rear cargo space filled with speakers, everyone else did to (this is not true.)

Coworker was offloading a restored 79 Z-28 for a friend

As a dedicated, seasoned introvert, I would love a place like this. My criteria for beer is ‘does it taste good?’ so I’m not requiring a lot of interaction, and the ability to try out as many beers as I want, without flagging someone down to provide tasters (which I pretty much limit myself to 1 or 2, just to minimize

Forgot to add, I’m still sitting at 21-22mpg to this day in my daily 24mi round trip stop/go traffic commute. The only time that mileage drops is if I’m towing, or the tire pressure drops below 35 psi (usually with seasonal weather changes.)

Bought my 2008 EX new, from a 2000 Dodge Stratus that was sold to the in-laws. Prior to the Element, I’ve only ever owned cars, and I needed something to take camping, paintballing, etc. The only thing I have ever disliked about it was it only had 4 seats. Stock other than adding a trailer hitch for a 4x6 utility

I always look for the lights and dash equipment, especially if they’re right behind me. And in our neck of the woods, it’s going to be a bald, middle aged white guy, with aggressive reflective (or limo black) eyewear driving it; they all seem to be skinheads in our city.

But as to the point of the main article...I’d

“Everything smells like Bath and Body Works cucumber melon 

And yet here we are...watching white people get pissed because someone bought some Doritos with their food stamps, and trying to argue in favor of drug testing for welfare benefits.

Maybe if I’m lucky, the Ronnie/Donnie show will be bookends to a horrible political series that unfortunately spanned my lifetime. Let’s start a new one that isn’t all YA dystopia, and move to more adventure team, or some shit.

Was this in reference that the driver did not have a radar detector?

That’s some Farva bullshit, right there...

When our voice alone is no longer heard, then we come together, and shout it even louder. We don’t need to be led; we need to be represented. Too long have we gone with a ‘versus’ mentality among one another. Rich vs poor, red vs blue; the real power has always been in the hands of the people, if we collectively

As been posted elsewhere, she wasn’t asked to leave because of the color of her skin, or orientation of her sex; rather because of the content of her character. She’s a mouthpiece for an administration that seems to relish cruelty, in some form or another. If nothing else, this is one more avenue of personal feedback

Sounds like they’d get more action if they claimed to be flat earthers at this point, than owning up to working with the Trump administration.