
“We are a nation of cowards and assholes. We were founded by cowards and assholes, perpetuated by cowards and assholes, and currently occupied by cowards and assholes. This mentality that we are a beacon of the righteous is a smokescreen to the frailty that is our citizenship.”

Too harsh?

I wish Steam would let us gift our game library to others. I have a few titles in there that I’ll likely never play again, but I do have friends that could get some mileage on them.

Tucker has this perpetual look that seems to say “Can you dumb it down for me, because I don’t get it, and that feeling makes me angry.”

Ok, you got me with the tailgate loadstop/step combo. That’s pretty damn spiffy.

He’s going to capsize the whole system with his bullshit, and when we right ourselves, looking back and say “Damn, he made every possible mistake there was, and really highlighted the lack of checks/balances needed to prevent that sort of shit from happening...,” the con-artist in chief is going to tweet out that it

You can’t touch the box. The box that is right in front of you, on the shelf, to allow you to read the literature, and see product images, front/sides/back. Yeah, that box. You can’t touch it. Store policy.


I travel frequently, but it’s not often that I need to stop into Targets, Walmarts, etc. in different

“he just makes smug homages to obscure, crappy movies from a bygone era.”

I think that’s why I like his movies. Him personally? Meh.

Eggs and rice is the best. You can cook the egg in many different ways over the rice, and even mixed in at the last minute with freshly cooked rice, and then add in a few vegetables (or alternate proteins, if budget allows it) here and there, with various simple sauces to keep the variety up.

Towsends is really good...both for cooking, and historical education. For a fun watch, I really like It’s Alive with Brad (with Andy following a close second) on Bon Appetit’s Youtube page.

If the directive came down from upper leadership that they’ll do what the grand dictator tells them to do, the vast majority of the military will do exactly that. Those that falter will quickly be made examples, and either discharged, or imprisoned. “defending the country against all enemies foreign and domestic” is a

“...because I like triggering unknown assholes...”

Yes. That’s pretty much it. 

They may look like a very young 16 year old, but we’re still talking about a 29 year on the prowl for that very young 16 year old. We can squabble about a few years difference, but the point stands...he wasn’t seeking out young, petite women...he wanted a child.

I was really surprised on how unassuming the Amityville house actually is. The movies made it out to be this massive, brooding place, and in reality, it’s just another house on a very mundane street.

The second one. *hulk smash*

She probably is an ‘ordinary girl’ in the social circles she seeks out. Unfortunately, she’s not relatable to the vast majority of the country, outside those that gawk at her seemingly vapid antics in the media. A fucking castle?! Come on, lady. Wear your soulcycle bullshit, and do your thing; that’s fine. But most of

That cheese was horrible. Even through the eyes of nostalgia, I still can’t get over some people even laughing about how they loved that cheese. Don’t get me started on those GI cans of peanut butter...gaaawd.

“You’re supposed to be embarrassed by poverty, and it’s not supposed to taste good.” This is one of the most infuriating aspects behind this program, of which I also grew up on. You shouldn’t have to be embarrassed that you’re poor, or that you don’t know when you’re going to have your next meal, or if you’ll have a

I can’t math, so this may be wrong. Here’s what a quick Google search shows: “As of July 2016, white Americans are the racial majority. African Americans are the largest racial minority, amounting to 13.3% of the population.” So, taking that same ratio, and applying it to 243 athletes, we would expect nearly 40 of

I work for a major tech company, with really good insurance, but as the saying goes...shit happens. My wife has gone through 15 spinal and gastronomical surgeries over the last two decades. We had one medial bankruptcy in early 2002, and thought everything was stabilized when we later bought our home (after many years

I was in San Antonio, back in the 90's, and this giant ass cockroach was walking along with me, on the sidewalk, in broad daylight. “Nope, fuck this unholy place.” Never again, Texas!