
Before Moviepass, I’d see a movie every few months, as a special treat, because of budget. Now, I don’t even have to hesitate if a friend wants to hit up something I’ve already seen, because hell if I was going to spend the special treat money on something I’ve already seen!

So, ride it as long as it lasts! haha.

Did you serve!>?!”
And it’s not even about serving now, but how you served. I swear to God all I meet are Airborne, Special Ops, and Infantry. Where the hell are all my kitchen rats at? No one served in a gym? Pitching mail? Driving truck? Fixing toilets? Nope. All heroes on the front lines, killing Muslims,

Love Moviepass! Still waiting for this gravy train to be derailed...

Can that guy possibly look like any more of a dick than in that mugshot? Guilty or not, he looks like an asshole you wouldn’t mind a guilty verdict, just for a reprieve from whatever right-wing talking points he memorized to ‘debate’ people with.

Picturing future conversations with shithead racists from Alabama citing the fact that they elected a Democratic senator as a reason why they shouldn’t be lumped in with the ‘real’ racists; knowing full well, they voted for child molester.

Carry what you need, but always leave a little room for a sweet, or three. Task at hand, but don’t forget to stop and smell the roses from time to time. Hot cooked food in the middle of nowhere can be a wonderful thing...sometimes. When reaching out to those back home, don’t complain; of course you may be working long

“Don’t be a jerk off no matter how much that person upsets you. That person may be the difference between your life and death at some point.” 

They wore them to specifically troll the ‘safe space’ group, not to encourage a diverse dialog. They wanted to disrupt a group, and then cackle about it online. The media needs to call out these clowns, as such, with more frequency, and in a harsher tone. They want to be famous, then they can be famous for being an

Flying internationally, you present your passport at the ticketing desk, then again through security, and then again at the gate. Upon arrival to the US, you present it again at customs (if not once or twice before after departing the plane, depending on where you’re coming in at.)

At what point would both of them

I think the word of the year, complicit, is quite fitting. This woman lies like everyone else. It doesn’t seem to just be men/women/black/white/repub/’s everyone. In written form, video, online and in printed media...”I didn’t do that” while being presented with the very information illustrating the contrary.

That’s sort of the way it happens. But since I don’t have access to the best mashed potatoes in Boston, rather than the same butter, milk, potatoes with a hand held mixer, I like different.

Absolutely. The classics are classics for a reason.

At face value, agreed. But if the spread is the same, consistently bland BS year after year...ugh; I welcome any change. But, if you have the opportunity in life to live the dream, then yeah...don’t be adding pineapple to the mac n’ cheese.

Sort of the MSG of garlic seasonings. It’s great for a lot of things, even mixing with butter for toast, etc.

“It’s just life in 2017 for us.” and hopefully, God willing, every year after, too. 

He just has to have the R after his name, and the desire to lower taxes for the rich. Boom - senate seat. Those 125 victims all have to be lying, after all.

Two shades from florescence here, but if you want to spice up the potaytoes a bit...

“Trump is a stupid person’s supervillain.” <— this is awesome.

Teenager in the 90's. I really, really, wanted a Pontiac Transport. To this day, I don’t really know why. Sci-fi shuttling of my friends to school and back? Was a soccer mom in hiding? No idea. But I loved it.

I use cruise as much as possible, even on normal side roads. I set myself at 2-3mph above the speed limit, and go. If the traffic flow is higher, I’ll go with flow if not doing so causes me to impede traffic, but otherwise, the consistency usually keeps all but the most aggressive tailgaters off me. I rather be stuck