
Just a thought, but if Trump is eventually taken down from all this, it could be said that we’re pretty damn efficient in cleaning house when it comes to national security issues like this. Not even a month in, and we’re gearing up for a presidential beat down. Harrison had him beat, but that dude died. Let’s see if

Could that collectively be part of the problem? A lot of us are looking at these people like leaders, when they’re not leaders. They’re supposed to be representatives of us. The president isn’t supposed to be our glorious leader; our glorious king. Rather, he should be a representative of the United States. And in as

If I pirate something, I wasn’t going to pay for it anyway. I don’t pirate something that I want to buy (these days, it could be argued I don’t even own what I buy.) I know that means very little to the anti-pirate folks, but it is what it is. Studios lost no money on my download.

In the end, if Russia didn’t actually hack any voting devices, assholey/ignorant/apathetic people still decided to vote in Trump. We the people did this, Russia didn’t. Half the country couldn’t have been bothered to waddle down to the booth, and throw a bone either way.

You may get dogpiled, but thank you for sharing. It was straight and to the point. It’s a good acknowledgement that yes, people did vote for him for reasons other than blatant animosity/bigotry for *insert choice here.*

“I want to spit it everywhere and I want it to stain.”

Being overwhelmed by spectacle in MMO’s (or any game, really.) 

I’m in mid-lull on Guild Wars 2 and thought I’d give Wildstar a try since it was free and pretty looking. I haven’t played WoW since Cataclysm and jumping into Wildstar, it just felt like I was in a constant barrage of flashing lights, so much color, small

Not technically stolen, but moved to another town by local towing company. I was stationed in Germany, in the 90's, and we were visiting an event by some old ruins of a castle. There was a quarter mile long stretch of parked cars and in the center of this stretch, was a no parking sign. Thinking they may have made an