Just popping in

Fucksquid. You now have a premise for a low budget non-Hollywood sf film. Here’s $50, get to work!

Who, me?

It looks like the most generic sub-Blomkampian bullshit you’ll ever scrub through on Netflix in a drunken early Saturday morning haze. If it’s an endangered species it deserves to die.

Like I said earlier in the comments, Pittsburgh is not one large city. It is 20 small ones all jammed together. So people are nice, and fairly racist, and the food is uncomplicated and good.

If they don’t fix it, I will stop clicking on the site. It’s been an annoying three very grey years. Without having the grey words, I’m just left with the ability to star things. No fun.

It’s not just new commentators. I’ve been commenting for years but I refuse to beg the writers to ungrey me, so I’m still a second level citizen. Only on Jezebel though, the other gizmedia sites are usually pretty good at ungreying regular commentators. For a site that relies on comments for revenue, they sure treat

It’s super annoying. There’s a lot of junk in the greys, but that’s also where new blood and one off comments from people with personal experience come from.

Is it only me or the grey comments are vanished?