
That might have been what it was meant to say, but that isn’t what it said.

I agree with the general sentiment of her cri de cœur: white supremacy is a vast, monolithic and pervasive source of inequality in the world today that needs to be dismantled. But words have meaning, and the words she chose, the hot fire she originally spit, made the backlash she received entirely predictable.

1969 Lincoln Continental... current bid price is $2500. And there is no reserve, it’s a less desirable 2dr coupe and since it’s not a dealer, the price won’t be grossly inflated... which means it you will probably be able to get it for $10K or maybe a bit less.

Thanks. Can't believe an article taking about a specific geographic location wouldn't include a map for reference.

They must have been playing chicken..................Chicken Of The Sea.

Jay had better be careful as the Sultan controls the world's largest supply of denim.