
Both did their best with really bad material.

Lieutenant Ackbar?  Captain Ackbar!

Completely agree, it placed way too much importance on the original, especially on Deckard and Rachel. It way overestimated how much we were invested in them as characters and in their romance. They ended up making the same mistake the star wars prequels did, where they got a character like Vader and turned him into

I like General Ackbar, everybody likes him, but he’s not a great character. Other than being a giant calamari man who shouts orders, there really isn’t much to him. Giving him such an important role without developing his character beforehand would have been awkward as hell.

If Trump’s comment was limited to his opinion of those countries, he wouldn’t let that judgement affect his opinion of people from those countries. It’s also telling that he then compared those countries to a predominantly white one like Norway. He’s fucking racist.

Yeah, that thing with Tommy Wiseau was really uncomfortable:

I wasnt disappointed so much by the logical inconsistencies in the plot, but more by the fact that the episode began by suggesting a much more interesting story than the more conventional one it ended up telling.

No way.  Trump makes Fredo look like Don Corleone.

I still don’t really understand the appeal of Andy Kaufman. Maybe if you view what he did more as art than comedy, but I really don’t get how he got so much lasting mainstream acceptance, especially considering that what he did was so specific to his decade. Can anyone here genuinely say they find Andy Kaufman funny?

I don’t know much about Sorkin beyond his reputation around here, but I’m fascinated by that youtube trailer for his Masterclass thing. Just an amazing display of pure, unadulterated windbaggery.

I thought “Finally, high fantasy for the sunglasses-on-the-back-of-the-head set” was a pretty good burn.

I’ve noticed lately a lot of people using the expression “it is what it is”. Where do these microfads come from?

I don’t think using the first three notes from the original Jurassic Park theme as some kind of Hans Zimmer stinger is as clever or as successful as they thought it would be.

Yeah, I mean, it basically spoils every beat of a whole sequence from the film. Most trailers would’ve cut a little earlier, but they just kept going.

Unless you consider the possibility that this scene is only for the trailer, and is completely left out of the film.

Hmmm...I like it. *polite clap*

What world do you live in where only the purest are allowed to have valid opinions? A persons job as a Mcdonalds cashier doesn’t preclude them from having a negative opinion on fast food. You don’t always have the luxury of choosing how you make your living, and it’s pretty unrealistic to assume that this writer had

Y’all realize that Beth has no control over the amount of ads, right? You people are the equivalent of someone yelling at a mcdonald’s cashier because the food doesn’t look like the pictures in the ads.

That was a surprisingly pretty good episode. Not much happened, just the writing was good, the characters spoke and acted like actual peopleJeffrey Dean Morgan even managed to be pretty menacing in a few scenes.  Dammit Walking Dead, you lose me then you reel me back in.

How the fuck did Ezekial’s plan, which involved standing in the center of a circle while having your own men who were standing directly across from each other fire into that circle, work without getting everyone shot?