
It just comes off like a bad pun to me. It's like, did Edgar Wright name him 'Shaun' just cause it rhymed with 'Dawn'?

Dumb as it is, at least it stands out. They could have titled it something generic as hell, like "the driver", or "car driver", or just "driver".

On the one hand, everything about this is stupid and wrong and makes me want to punch something. On the other hand, I fucking love marshmallows. I'm completely torn on this.

Sofia Coppola throws good parties. I've always wanted to be at the party from Lost in Translation. Everyone there seemed so accepting, and there's pachinko, weed, apartment dancing, karaoke, Scarlet Johansson in a pink wig.

This is so dead on. It's why I have instinctual suspicion of anyone who seems too happy. That kind of blissful self-satisfaction fills me with instant resentment.

"My mission is to keep Summer safe. Not keep Summer, like, totally stoked on, like, the general vibe, and stuff. That's you. That's how you talk."

The Mad Hatter. I think it would make for really cool, psychedelic imagery.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't P.T.Barnum a notorious huckster who exploited his own performers? It seems kinda wrong to slap some modern, inspirational "believe in yourself" identity politics over it.

a…treat…for the whole…family!


Have you seen the documentary The Mona Lisa Curse? I think you'd like it, especially if you enjoy trashing Andy Warhol, Jeff Koons, Damien Hirst, and their ilk. It's still on vimeo for free I believe.

Ehh. I like it. It looks like block letters that I would make.

(Sigh)…fair enough.

Oh whatever. Should I just stop watching movies or reading comics because they're not the most important things in the world? We're on the AVClub, nothing we do here is important.

I wouldn't go so far as to say I've felt burned by most of the movies I've seen (except for Raw, which I found largely weak and cliche. I'm baffled by how much praise that terrible movie has gotten), but yes, there's been an awful lot of hyperbole this year, and every movie has fallen a bit short of their own hype.

I still gotta see Colossal, and Harmonium has been on my list for a while. From Nowhere sounds depressing as hell, even though I'm interested in the subject. Hounds of Love, fuck no.

I gotta say, I was pretty disappointed by Raw. "enough viscera to satisfy the gorehound set"…not even close.

I liked Get Out, but it's pretty overhyped. I saw the twist coming a mile away, maybe that ruined it for me.

Yeah, I don't understand the antipathy that this story is being met with. I thought people would be excited to wrestle back control of something a bunch of right wing shit-heads corrupted, even if it does seem impossible. How can you not have some sympathy for Matt Furie? This has to be a fucking nightmare for him,

Yeah, cause everyone knows those indie-comic artists are all rich, greedy bastards.