
This guy poops

These people are so goddamn weird.

It would actually be refreshing to hear a billionaire speak like this.

I like the idea of boat ownership being this thing that haunts people in a way that if someone finds themself in the wrong time/place, they may just own a boat.

He was in The Strangers... briefly.

But they wanted to see the Bushmen.

Jimmy Johns is the Nickleback of fast food. Everyone says how much they hate it, but they seem to be very successful.

2022 bingo is a flat circle.

“Lobster shit”? “Turd burglars”?

I looked it up. The original actress died a few years ago, so they replaced her with this other older actress.

Doctors hate this secret.

avoid his music at all costs

No offense, but I hate your partner. 

Agreed, but isn’t “shitting the bed” usually an accident? I feel like these two use they’re sleep number mattress as their executive restroom.

I don’t know where I stand on being able to separate the man from his art, but I am certain we should separate the man from his freedom.

I read that originally as “Appease”, and thought this was a ghost house situation.

I mean, he’s already 30 Seconds to Mars.