
You can purchase new cars below MSRP too... my father bought a brand new Volvo C30 Rdesign for 4k under MSRP. Anyone who thinks MSRP is what you should be paying is incorrect.

@The Project: Call of Halo: Ahh. Well cool story bro, everyone with your make and model of truck should definitely run out and buy one of these tablets, whichever it is that you're using, and buy it, so they can enjoy this too!

@Mount_Prion: Can we be friends? You should write a book.

@Jimmy1: @imaeffinginger: Glad I could make some people laugh. It's an important life lesson.

@Yarrr: Iron does not have a very good specific heat capacity, it wouldn't hold that heat for very long, it's heat capacity is only 0.45 (joules per gram), which is very low, coolant is used to move heat from the hot engine block to the cold radiator because it's heat capacity (ability to move heat) is higher than the

Still not a fan of the design, but it is amazing how much better it looks with the chrome delete. Wow, keep that part at least.

Mine does not do this, and it angers me.

@RtFusion: The one after motorcycle guy, starting around 1:04 is pretty priceless... lead car goes in, hits the railing, spins, and hits the car behind them, goes through the intersection, and just keeps smashing stuff, it was like they got nervous, and just floored it...

A man can build a thousand sandy bridges, and suck one cock, and he'll be known, not as a bridge builder, but as a cock sucker.

@AMGkiller: Dude, you should be in MIT or some shit.

Alternative article title:

@ps61318: Pretty sure the Pope is gonna be pissed when he hears about this.

@Y2KGTP: Well I mean if you wanna get all technical and stuff.

@Yarrr: Read my response above. You guys are missing it, if you're using a battery, and thus, not an ICE, you can't use engine coolant, it's not being heated anymore if the engine isn't running.... If you're heating coolant, that is pulling heat OFF of the block, and thus, using energy put into the engine. Internal

@dstoelti1: 1) My response above was based upon the idea of running a heater off a battery, not the engine heat from an ICE, thus, there would be no coolant, to run the heater. If the engine were running, and the heat were generated from this, there would be no need for the battery in the first place.

@nclay1: Well I just read an article on jalopnik about the Volt first drive, and electricity, according to their article costs about $2.00 a gallon equivalents, according to them... obviously this depends on the region, but if you're going to throw it into a battery, losing quite a bit in the charge process, then use

@_Stormin: You don't pay to close attention to what has been going on for a long while eh? This is not even the tip of the iceberg my friend.

@GitEmSteveDave: I love the 20 watt solar panel someone posted below... not even enough to run a radio... for $300... yeah, totally worth it! I know, let's put those on, and add batteries, and a converter, and all of the cabling required, and when we're all done, the solar panels should provide enough energy to