
@GitEmSteveDave: Electricity is free where you live? May I run an extension cord?

@Yarrr: No, the issue is what you suggest isn't really all that feasible for two reasons.

@DavidWizard: See his response to me, he apparently was not... although after reading it, and responding again, I think he is talking about mixing ethanol with other compounds, which is something I would advise against in any circumstance. Chemical interactions = bad ideas all over the place when you're talking about

@DavidWizard: Certainly the process by which thc content is controlled is completely different from the process that ethanol content is controlled (botany vs. distilation) but that does not mean that they can not both be controlled for, they both are. In both markets (legal and otherwise) producers can and do control

@RyanLN: I have my moments, I like to put the degree to work, especially in fun topics like this one. It's important to know these sorts of things, so one doesn't get wasted, and then wake up dead the next day.

@...And i'm a Snake.: Ethanol is ethanol, hombre, there's no magical "stuff". All ethanol is handled in the same fashion by your obdy, molecules are molecules. It can certainly be combined with other molecules which do other things, such as the ever popular caffeine and alcohol mixture (see, four loko). Mixing

@3Djesus- Esq. provocateur: The biggest obstacle I see, that is difficult to overcome, and they sort of dance around is the inability for law enforcement to effectively test for intoxication on the spot. If you are stopped for a traffic violation, and you're drunk, you get a breathalyzer, with THC, they can do a

@icfan: Well they still do something about it, for example, my employer has a government contract, and thus is required to perform monthly randoms. So there's that.

@...And i'm a Snake.: You silly sod, alcohol cannot be distilled beyond about 95.6% without addition of something to absorb the water. Benzene rings are commonly used in a lab setting, and you don't want to drink benzene.

@aquaclear: That's true, I hadn't thought of that added cost, good call. Although, I'd just run OS X out of the box.

@Brian: Cogito Ergo ZOOM!: It only has to motivate 1700lbs though, keep that in mind. Power and weight wise, we're back in 1980 Honda Civic territory.

@ramLlama: And really won't be scientifically for some time. It just isn't possible to pack the energy needed into the space, be able to pump them in quick enough, and not generate a ridiculous amount of heat, electron wise, we're pretty far off.

@Dawgvet06: Plus college football players can turn both directions... so I mean, they've got that going for 'em. :)

@crazypills77: There's this company, Apple, they make a laptop called the MacBook Air, it is both, and is cheaper than the PCs, and it's not ugly. And it'll run Windows too.

@Mr_Quackers: Do what Woz does, and carry 2 of each, at least. Plus an Evo 4G, and Nexus S or whatever they're calling that one. Yes, $1000 in cell bills a month is the solution.

@speraider430: I came to say the same, sounds identical to grooveshark to me...

@djdare: And just so we're all on the same page, I don't blame facebook for my marriage failing. I blame the stupid lying cheating whore.