
@mdwdirect: Service is respectable, no doubt, but rules are rules.

@mdwdirect: Sorry to hear that, sir. The funny part about my story is, she married another guy pretty quickly after. He heard from me that she was a cheating whore, and installed a keylogger on her laptop, read her emails, and found she was propositioning a professor in school for sex. This dude is way more calm

@Totenglocke42: My wife cheated on me, and what you get out of the story is a rant about Apple? Cool.

I am a statistic. I found out about my ex-wife's cheating via a facebook message. She used my Macbook pro to check her facebook, and being used to PCs all her life, she never learned to "quit" applications, just hit the red circle in the upper left hand corner. I checked my gmail after work, clicked on a link to a

@Master_Soda: If you aren't growing you're dying. Again, ask Microsoft, they were king in the 90s, they tried to branch out from the software game, and they have really failed. WebTV, Windows phones, Windows Media, Zune, etc etc etc. I realize Google's bread and butter is advertising, they make their money off of

@shroomer: Things don't work that way, you can't take over the world. Microsoft tried. Google would do well to learn the lessons of Microsoft, but it seems they are doomed to repeat them.

Huh, I learned something today, friction is important, so that cars do not kill me.

@Hearthatvoiceagain says Get well soon Steve.: @SoundShineDJ: I think Jobs grew to be a suit over time though, in the 80s he was all "I'm a pirate, and the enemy is the suits at IBM". And now he is all about the quarterly numbers, and all that nonsense. So yes, I think the Woz/SJ comparison was a poor one.

Sounds like the Optimus Maximus Keyboard had sex with a magnifying glass, and they had a mouse?

Isn't this more of a "boom" time idea, than a mid recession/depression era idea? It isn't April first already is it? I'm so confused right now.

@cinnamonster: Kids these days are using it for sexting though, and it's called sexting, not sexttaching, that doesn't even make sense.

@OMG! Bacon!: Hahaha, yes, exactly! I felt like the NOAA Chairman guy should've just said that. He used all sorts of words, and he just needed to turn on the caps lock, and misspell statement.

@Hiphopopotamus: You may, but you can't speak for an entire nation, I certainly don't. When I'm not home, the AC is off, most of the time, when I'm home the AC is off. I really only turn it on if my apartment reaches greater than 80 degrees, which isn't very often. Windows open at night usually do the job.

I believe there is a stolen/wrecked Ferrari 348 in Texas that should do the job nicely... slurp.

@OMG! Bacon!: Please use the appropriate picture.

@sp00nix T-5: No kidding, I'd have to re-mortgage the house.