The entire country saw a bunch of asshat losers try to overthrow the government and 4 years later large swaths either deny that happened or openly say it was a great thing.
The entire country saw a bunch of asshat losers try to overthrow the government and 4 years later large swaths either deny that happened or openly say it was a great thing.
Do what now?
Well they were Meatwadberg until they hit Ellis Island.
They also forgot to add an onionon their belt, which was the style at the time...
Meatwad of the New Jersey Jews
The only thing Evans did right was inspire the Documentary Now parody on his life, “Mr. Runner Up.”
A few points.
First a minor one: Oppenheimer is about 26 minutes shorter and Dune 2 about 40 minutes shorter.
Second point: I loved Oppenheimer and a big part of it is that it flies (Chris Nolan is a master at pacing) but it’s going for a totally different effect. If Killers was paced that way, it wouldn’t work nearly…
Oppenheimer was an excellent long movie, that didn’t feel long.
Probably because it wasn’t a very good movie. It was fine. Lily Gladstone was great. It covered an important story. It has one of the greatest directors of all time. But, it won’t be a well remembered film and borderlines on POC suffering porn, which is a dying genre.
100% It’s fine to leave some things unresolved at the end of a season but you gotta have resolutions and tie up the main storylines.
I loved Harry Potter growing up, but JKR being a TERF has killed a lot of the love/nostalgia of that series for me.
I do, however, appreciate that HP works as a jumping-in point to then read other fantasy books. Outsiders to the genre initially think, “oh, fantasy books are too nerdy, they’re full of incomprehensible…
Hmmm, people who liked something a lot 25 years ago have grown up and still like it a lot. Go figure?
It’s probably just screaming “You have your mother’s eyes” and “Expecto Patronum” over and over again until they both come.
I don’t even like Harry Potter but fuck her for telling people what they are “supposed” to like.
Entertainment is for everyone to enjoy.
Getting some Dwayne “Black Adam was actually a resounding triumph” Johnson vibes from this.
I normally get annoyed at people shoehorning partisan politics into unrelated conversation, but that was pretty good.
At least he didn’t set himself on fire with his drugs, or use them to rape admirers.
I absolutely love this “Here’s What We Know” article.
To the extent it helps, at least he’s owning it.
Dune Messiah was the creator, not the monster!