Imagine how good the teams would be in this era if there were only 9. The league is very watered down now and you shouldn’t discount those teams since they were stacked
Imagine how good the teams would be in this era if there were only 9. The league is very watered down now and you shouldn’t discount those teams since they were stacked
You realize that ice is rock hard, right? And that grass is soft? Slamming someone’s head against a really hard surface is different than what happens on “literally every single down in football”.
their belief is that those murderers are martyrs and will not be punished for murdering young girls attending a concert, but will instead go straight to Heaven. The wahabi belief is that it is not forbidden to murder non-believers. Why would they be upset at something they don’t think is wrong.
ohhhhhhhh, I played that first one on Sega way back when. That was the most beautiful game of its time. I’m not sure I have the hours available anymore to play this one though.
Johnny Football - not a pocket passer either (although he’s white so there goes that one) and also not employed currently in the NFL while having better stats then many who are. Any outrage about him? No????? Didn’t think so
depends on your perspective - The New Black Panther Party is a virulently racist and anti-Semitic organization whose leaders have encouraged violence against whites, Jews and law enforcement officers. .
Well, considering that there are plenty of Arab Palestinians that routinely march and hold rallies, I’m going to say yes
let them have their little march and ignore it completely. What they crave is attention and giving them none is exactly the antidote.
Its NEVER illegal to tape someone in public. Police will lie to you and tell you that you need to stop. They do this because they do not want to be filmed doing things they should not. This was murder. Even if the man was originally defending himself it stopped being self defense after the victim was incapacitated.…
All this does is to encourage hard working people to find other (possibly non-legal) means of transferring their funds. If this passes there will be a website up in 3 minutes that allows you to transfer funds to Europe where they will then transfer them to the country of your choice. Pure idiocy
Lets see....... 3 of their champs are AfAm, at least a few are Brazilian/hispanic, and a few Poles thrown in for good measure. We also have heavily promoted stars such as Jon Jones and a bunch more. I get that you are referring to Conor here, but the reality is that as a whole the UFC is probably the most integrated…
Wow, talk about only giving a piece of a story.......... Lets just take one piece to show how absurd this is: 50% AfAm before and 29% after. Have any of you been there? Even today that neighborhood looks like the flood was in recent history and not years ago. The neighborhood is littered with houses that were…
I want them both to win and then I want them both to fight McG again and kick his azz. He’ll never come back to 145 though and thats a shame because it leaves a stain (one lucky punch) on Aldo that he won’t be able to erase.
To be fair, you can’t do anything from the outside and this man is very susceptible to being influenced. The only way you can do that is if you are Steve Bannon or on some council like this. But, if he ignores you completely then you leave because your voice isn’t being heard. Thats what happened here
I think JVD was upset because she walked in front of him right when LeBron was slamming down that dunk and he missed it because of her.
“It’s my commitment that once we have signed the youngster that we’re committed to him as long as he behaves himself,” Snyder said.
“All three reportedly died at the scene from multiple gunshot wounds. No one else was injured in the altercation.”
I’m sure she follows ALL the laws in Leviticus and keeps kosher....... Am I right?
This kid is the absolute perfect example of the coach’s kid being allowed to do whatever he wants. No other kid on that team would ever be allowed to chuck it up repeatedly like that if his overbearing dad wasn’t the coach
No, thats not even close. You want to treat every student as if they are all exactly the same and have a solution where “one size fits all”. Charters do a great job in providing strong learning environments that do not look, act or feel like their public counterparts which have failed generations of children.