
Yeah, keep sending them to the historically horrible public schools in your neighborhoods that haven’t been producing results of any kind for decades.

There is zero evidence that they do any of the things you state above. The funds they use are taken from general education funds which would indeed go to another school, but on a student by student basis the cost is the same. A school system is providing a student an education. There is also no evidence that

There are no Celts fans who are upset about this...... none. You either take Fultz or you trade that pick for PG13 or JB. The other option is to accept a crazy offer from a team like the Sixers (#3, Saric and the LA pick) which gets you more than one great player although you risk taking “3 dimes for a quarter”.

The reason why you choose the Lakers is because you don’t care about winning anytime soon and you DO care about $$$$. His father thinks he can make billions (literally) off of this kid if he’s in LA. They don’t care about winning, or basketball or rings. They only care about getting paid.

No it wouldn’t...... you’re a hater and a fraud. If the Celts were up 2 games to none there is a 0% chance you would’ve called for the Cavs to pack it in. Hypocrite Boston Hater

Soooooo, did you watch that game last night? I read your article but it wasn’t clear whether you watched it or not

Its not that as much as it is the fact that people like him are severely sheltered from the real world. Remember when Bush was shocked about how a bar code scanner worked at the grocery store. Same thing.

and he didn’t take the train because........... ???

Don’t sleep on them needing a new candidate in 2020

all Love had to do was let go...... he chose to hold on and Kelly pulled his arm out. Not dirty at all. There was equal fault by both guys on that play

Thank G-d we didn’t trade Jimmy

read the article...... she started filming after the crazy started

As someone that has worked in the field I can say with 100% certainty that this has nothing to do with the race of the teacher. I’ve seen plenty of AfAm teachers do things just as bad if not worse (duct taping a child to a chair immediately comes to mind). This isn’t about race, its about a bad teacher.

Yeah, the tough streets of Bowie.........

Love is the very definition of soft

There was NOTHING wrong with that screen other than his teammate not telling him it was there. Olynyk didn’t move, he didn’t put his shoulder into him and he didn’t stick out his knee (like Gortat does EVERY single time). Oubre got caught with picks a number of times and never figured out that he needed to go around

You guys aren’t even trying to hide your anti-Boston biases anymore

“And then there was the whole cottage industry of people out there insisting that the behavior of Boston sports fans is not a Boston problem but like, a problem with US, mannnnn” ——- Yeah, what does Bonami Jones know about any of this stuff anyways. Drew you’re always there like a good Jets fan waiting for anything

thats a fair statement. To make some generic stereotype of an entire city as Drew does above is asinine.

Oh please spare me your sanctimonious nonsense. You’ve never been to the real parts of B’more. I’ve spent a ton of time all over the city in every neighborhood working with schools. These are not just places you’ve never been to, but places you’ll never go to and certainly not a place that any of those convention