DJ Burn

“Oh, 1899, we barely knew ye.”

Always my dad’s all-time favorite Christmas Carol, with Alastair Sim being the best Scrooge ever.

I’m so sorry. I hope you have people who are there for you, you need support too. I can’t imagine how it felt hearing your daughter say that but I think that the fact that she did (as opposed to keeping it to herself) means she’s trying to fight. Wishing you, your family and your friend all the best.

I don’t fucking believe this. I have adored this dancer since I can’t remember. I’d never seen someone take so much joy in his art, who seemed so well loved, who found purpose in guiding other. What hope is there for the rest of us?

Some of the earlier TMZ reports suggest that this may have been a situation the family had been dealing with for a while. So sad, and a very real reminder that you may never know what’s going on inside someone no matter their public demeanor or success.

Robert Oppenheimer was not “infamous.

Terminator 2's nuclear bomb sequence was mostly practical.


Avatar kind of sucked.”

He’s cloning himself so he can proofread the entire internet.

Not to mention Paul Verhoeven’s name is spelled wrong.

Look at me with a straight face and tell me Pan’s Labyrinth isn’t good.

Nicks is indeed all over Little Lies, but McVie sings lead.  

Hopefully all of the hundreds of people who didn't adopt Fishtopher adopted some other animal who needed a home and wanted to be loved.

I agree with you in principle, and yet... Everything is a rescue unless we fix the system that lets breeders make as much product as they want. Either way, you pay money and get an animal. You might as well get what you want, and what is right for your family. There are too many cases of pitbulls and other emotionally

So bummed Val is in such bad shape and couldn’t really be a “robust” MM in this. 

Because she’s hot.

You... would likely enjoy this film.

Dedra shows Syril gratitude by providing him and his mother a luxury apartment within the Empire’s newest battle station the “Death Star.” (“Don’t let the name scare you, your living quarters are ten times the size of what you’re used to now, decked out in the galaxy’s finest accoutrement, and, of course, personal