
This is actually the first time that you mentioned light usage, but those numbers are definitely good.

How many hours of use are you getting? I get around 8 usually, which in my case barely lasts me 1 full day (yes I use my phone a lot). Going "2 days" is arbitrary and completely dependent on your usage, if you're putting in 2 or 3 hours of usage a day then sure.

You do realize that "retina" is a coined term based on how far away the average person holds his phone. You will obviously NOT be holding a 4.65" screen as close to your face as a 3.5" one...

This is what I'm wondering....

Out of everything he mentioned, this is how you respond? Your ignorance is amusing.

Can I keep dreaming of a Nokia wp7 device running mango showing up on Verizon?

Question: If i have the blackberry plan (which gives unlimited data), does anyone know if I will be grandfathered in to a regular unlimited plan on another phone after this date?

@NanorH: Really? How is this even an ethical debate... people are so ridiculous nowadays.

Nicely made article. Now I'll go back to running regression analysis in SAS :)

@pixelsnader: E420s will have AMD's newest Radeon HD 6630M switchable graphics option. Not sure about the other one though.

@Lassus: backpack? the incredible offers a much needed real estate boost over the Aria, as well as a faster processor. Its also pocketable.

@lindamller: I can attest to this being superior to the Bodum's. But no mention of a FP at all!

@Mr. Damage: I personally gravitate towards Yirgacheffe's, and my favorite so far has been from Green Mountain.

@laikapants: What $20 grinder produces consistent results, at varying sizes? If there is one out there I would like to get it! I need fine grinds as well as course.

Thank you for this article, my favorite guide so far :)