
No need to put money into it man. Play daily quests, save up your gold and do the expansion wings / solo content to get all those cards for your decks if you haven’t already. You get some good legendaries out of doing that (Kel’Thuzad, Loatheb, Emporer Thaurissan).

I don’t get why fucking grown men in business suits would fucking carry on conversations on the shitter. And its not like they’re even trying to hide it, flushing and shit. Grosses me out. Also pretty unnerved by the number of people who don’t wash or at least rinse their hands after going to the bathroom.

Have the decency / wherewithal to only do it when you’re alone, at least.

I read that as bananable. Something something King Mukla.

Also used for advantage when PC players are against mobile players.

I wish they could distinguish between being idle and lagging a bit better. Really hate losing matches where I am dominating and then a network hiccup causes me to miss a bunch of turns (since they get shorter) and have no chance to come back... AND have to watch all the stupid animations play out, which makes me even

I feel like this could be an interesting formula for a less-permanent survival game, with some tweaks.

Like, you have a gameworld with maybe a few instances/servers. At the start of a season your character is normal/healthy, but there are zombie NPCs that you have to fend off. There could be a fixed total number of

I’m dying at some of these absurd ones..

*plays Blood Manos*

Up is overrated in this list, and the original Cars movie is really not a bad film.

How soon do you need a stepbrother? (Asking for a friend.)

( I hope the implication was clear that this was a sinister act, and not an accidental suicide by hotdog... )

*someone walks into Drew’s office, finds his dead body slumped over his desk, mouth full of hotdogs*

It’s going to be a.. <i>good one</i>.

This is sexy. ;)

what the fuck is wrong with you? your USERNAME has bowl in it.

Thats fantastic, I don’t really like Pete Holmes but that was pretty damn funny. :)

This is pretty fantastic.

YES. This. A million times.

This iterations gimmick is vehicles? Cool. :)