Fuck all you sprite haters. Seriously. If you don't like the style, don't play it. If the game is fun, it shouldn't matter, and you're a dick if you let the graphical style put you off that much.
Fuck all you sprite haters. Seriously. If you don't like the style, don't play it. If the game is fun, it shouldn't matter, and you're a dick if you let the graphical style put you off that much.
She a beauty and a talent, for sure. Enjoyed the arrangement. Agreeing with everyone else though, her dancing / overemoting / etc. is a bit annoying. The spartans looked pretty good though.
Haters gonna hate. Looks interesting enough to me.
Oh. When I read India, I thought maybe they meant you could die, but you'd be reincarnated into a different caste based on the actions taken in that life.
EA Box of Duty?
You mean XBox Prime.
Wow that looks pretty awesome. Liked the musical cues when the hawk/whatever was overhead.
I'm also critiquing why they posted it, maybe I'm being slightly ruder about it. I'm saying that its not good enough to post here (or even merit a speed run video, really), which is less of a slam and pretty in line with you calling it "amateur." Its not of the quality I would expect for it to have to be posted. And…
Good god that is beautiful.
Oh, I forget to mention I'd give her a pass if she was like, you know, a kid. But she's not.
Seriously. The speed drawing was what, 5 seconds? And the end result is basically a doodle? When I think speed drawing, I think HOURS of work sped up, and a fucking masterpiece at the end.
God had to make life unfair so he could teach us how unfair it is! If only he could've created something better...
"Would you like to give a 'shout-out' to anyone at this time?"
So can the dog call for a tactical nuke?
Some random Steam friend (that I don't really know) gifted me a copy of this over the weekend out of the blue. I guess I should try it.
Yeah that looked like butt. :/
Plus they added bullshit stars like the shopping star later on, so it actually may pay to have.. paid. Or used items. Or whatever. I do hate those random stars. :)
I don't know about you guys, but drunken games of the original Mario Party was a pretty huge hit in my dorm back in the day.
Scenes from the next Animal Crossing?
Whoa, I never caught the bit about the newer version being a port of the original Japanese version from 1997.