
I guess the creator of this(^) meme and the creator of what I believe is longcat (god mode, the white cat on a cloud) were not in the suing mood on this day.

Oh god its such an eyesore (the review box graphic). What a shitty, cracked out graphic. I'm sorry but everything is wrong about it. The font, the colors, the layout. Kill it with fire!

how many hours must one sink into a carnival game to lose that kind of cash? did no one attempt to stop this madman!?

ugh that genital nub. nightmare inducing, indeed.

whats this from?

thanks for making me snot on my keyboard :/

its like a real life death blossom!

whats the statute of limitations on vagina murder?

awesome game :D

nicely done! do you do all of those vgcuts videos?

glad you posted this, was thinking about doing it myself. loved landstalker and the genesis era shining series entries.

virtuaboy 3d mode

not isometric, dude.

hah. that was pretty awesome. my jaw dropped when the dog went out the window hahah.

Hahah, this should be used for the inverse. Replace guns with thumbs up, and replace thumbs up with guns!

Yes. Duckburg is a world I would like to visit. Need to be able to visit the mansion, the vault, and maybe a generic city. OR recreate one of his adventures, like the episodes (was it the pilot movie?) where they go to that Mayan-ish temple for treasure. Add the Beagle Boys (I can't remember, have they been in KH

It looks like he turned INTO Scrooge McDuck in his old age lol.

haha thats fantastic.

I was disappointed with the lack of giant enemy crabs.

You know Thomas is still on, right? Its computer animated now though. It wasn't too long ago that they were still using model trains though, which I think had a lot more charm. And the characters were all voiced by the narrator, but now they have different voices for everyone. Its certainly the better train show of