
Taft DID NOT get stuck in a bathtub. That was a story published by an ex-employee after Taft had already died. He had an extra-large bathtub made because he was well aware of his girth.

Erik Charles Nielsen really does make wonderful use of his hands. It's an under appreciated part of his whole comedy aura.

Remus's family has been here for a very long timeā€¦

Dressing up like a ghost = Klan's robes

Did anyone else notice how thin Pam was in the tranquilizer flashforward? Like, I'm not nitpicking, she's NOTICEABLY skinner (but with the same size bust).

Country music is as misogynist as it gets in some cases, but there's no Tumblr for correcting it.

There are plenty of black rappers who've denounced homophobia and misogyny, either in their raps or in interviews (one of them, A$AP Rocky, is pictured on this page, no less). And there are a handful of gay rappers, like Le1f, who've broken down the barriers of homosexuality in hip-hop by, you know, BEING GAY.

Katzenjammer, "Captain" Kirk Douglas is the guitarist in The Roots. I hope that clears things up (in case you thought he meant Star Trek).