
They're only 0.01m apart in height.

See now that's not the response I was hoping for. I was hoping my yelling and arguments would incite you into debate but guess not.

It's fun.

Someone who doesn't disagree with Jon as Punisher in the least bit.

Man, chill out with the Frank Grillo Punisher hard-on. Yeah Frank Grillo is good and probably would've made a good Punisher, but THERE'S NOTHING WRONG with Jon Bernthal.

Well that's a matter of opinion. I disagree, I don't think the show went downhill after. I think it maintained its excellent quality all throughout.

Yea but he didn't leave five episodes in like you said.

I don't feel threatened that people don't like Jessica Jones, or Daredevil. I just was calling you out on something inaccurate. What do you mean DeKnight left five episodes in. That's not true at all. Where is your source for that. DeKnight came in relatively early, after first couple episodes were written but before

The last two weren't awful. You're awful.

Daredevil and Jessica Jones were both f***ing great. You don't know you're talking about. Steven DeKnight didn't take over near the end. He WAS the executive producer all THROUGHOUT season 1. Get your facts straight man.

Hey man, who's to say they aren't already planning Moon Knight, Ghost Rider, and Blade series after the success of Daredevil. Just the fact that they're bringing in Punisher now could mean they're looking more and more to adapt these darker characters to Netflix MCU.