
1) It’s not a matter of perception. It is, in fact, a clock. Not a bomb. That’s not perception. That’s fact. They can perceive it to be a shark with a friggin’ laser, won’t make it so.

One of the NASA people are already on that.

-Because it was a clock

Hello NASA? I’m thinking of a certain kid in Irving, Texas who you definitely want to have intern with you next summer.

And refused to let him call his parents. Isn’t it illegal to question a minor without a parent, guardian or lawyer present?

If they really thought it was a bomb, why didn’t they call people who can recognize bombs right away? Couldn’t a member of a bomb squad say, “No, dipshits. Not a bomb.”

That poor fucking kid. He must’ve been so proud of what he made and to have his efforts met with such racist suspicion is heartbreaking. He sounds like a great student and every teacher involved in this mess should be thoroughly ashamed.

I know its ridiculous, I just texted her asking for a picture so if I get a response I’ll post it I promise.

This is what I want to know, who’s gonna pay for the window? I’d be so Pissed!

So...they paid to get the window repaired, right?