
It’s The Decemberists, so it’s just insipid garbage with swears. Atesticular.

I saw him speak on a book tour last year - smart, eloquent, and his recipes are great. The cookbook is well-written and interesting. It sucks that he has turned out to be yet another slimy pervert.

You idiot, he was the best one!

Yes, you’re right. Side one is “Billy the Mountain.” Yes, the flies help Studebaker Hawk fly to the top of Billy so he can tell him off. Then Billy laughs and he falls off. And you learn that a mountain is something you don’t want to fuck with. Side 2 has “Magdalena.” I really do like that whole album (but I find

Well, that IS why she was originally booked. And one can imagine that she’s been talking about the exhausting Charlie Rose subject all day, and is tired.

magisches Schwein!

Now playing

“Watermelon in Easter Hay” is gorgeous and transcendent, a fitting end for an album that’s about a guy freed from a dystopian nightmare. Zappa’s music is usually amazing - his lyrics are often inside jokes, replete with immaturity. What do you want from a guy who wanted to name his band “The Motherfuckers?” Still, the

I think it’s fair that Gayle made it about herself - I think a lot of us feel this way, when we see someone we thought was a decent, progressive role model turn out to be a lecherous slimebag. I actually appreciated hearing her perspective.

Yes, and played music with him.

That actually sounds like it could be a great country song...

Or made Judith Light transition into a man.
(I’m only on season 3, this could be happening, no spoilers...)

Wacka wacka wacka.

I won a car once in a contest. I claimed it, sold it,and paid taxes on the sale valuewhen taxes were due, months later. My accountant validated this. No taxes up front. State laws may vary, etc.

That this makes Brittany Spears look brilliant is possibly the worst thing about it.

Yeah, these are perfectly cromulent words.

Lord Palmerston!

“I don’t have cable” is an easy line to get my mom to stop recommending insipid comedies (a la “Big Bang Theory”) to me. “Oh, I can’t watch, I don’t have cable.” She doesn’t quite get the whole streaming thing.

Irony: the only thing I can’t find streaming is Jeopardy.

I was watching CBS This Morning* last week, and they had a story based on some TrumpTweets. The tweets were rendered in red, white, and blue, in a strong serif font, in some disturbing attempt to apparently make them look “presidential.” If I were a news director, I would present his rants in multicolored Comic

I take it you aren’t French.

Peanut butter and jelly.
Peanut butter but jelly.

See the difference?

I think Ivanka just wanted to use a $.10 word. Three syllables - big - makes me look smrt.