
"His Dark Materials" had to end that way, though, because they had to close all the cuts in the universes to stop things from collapsing. That was a bittersweet ending - Lyra and Pan sitting on a bench at Oxford in their world, on a specific day, with Will sitting in his world at the same spot on the same day,

I have stuffed Ren and Stimpy up in the attic, plus two soundtrack CDs (one is Crock o Christmas). Those were the days.

You are correct. I will go die of shame now.

It's interesting that her role is paralleled by Tommy Lee Jones' role in "There Will be Blood," but he doesn't end up with the happy moral ending. It's like the Coens did that on purpose or something…

It *was* 1996 - the internet barely had any experts out there discussing this kind of thing.

Michelle only got bitchier as the show went on. Not showing up only shows what a mega-witch her character is. I really don't think it would be good if she shows up.!


In my day, Oregon Trail didn't have no fancy bead trading. You traded clothing, wagon parts, or cash

I thought it went really well, until the ending. But I can see why it was done that way for the big screen. It was the opposite of the short story, though.

It will always be the CCCC! Grr, corporate kvetching…

My husband is a musician. His recorder of choice for snippets and ideas is a handheld tape recorder. He has boxes and boxes of tapes for if he ever becomes uncreative or senile.

I dunno. Fish sandwich?

I'm crippling my child by listening to music the old fashioned way! CDs, vinyl, radio, or GTFO.

I put on the Space Oddity album - I've had the Rykodisk version of that and a bunch of others in his catalog for about 25 years, so the bonus tracks are kind of ingrained in my head as "that album." They have a nice electric version of "Memory of a Free Festival," and the one I thought that especially spoke to his

That's fair. I think everything in an artist's catalog is worth at least one listen. Of course most of Bowie's catalog has been reverberating through my stereo (and head) for decades, now.

My mother LOVED this album and played it incessantly when I was 10, so I just plain hated David Bowie for the longest time, until, in high school, my boyfriend (now my husband) and I picked up a bunch of Rykodisc cassettes and I learned the error of my ways. Space Oddity was my favorite album for a long time at first.

Why would you skip over "Space Oddity" and "The Man who Sold the World?" They are amazing albums in their own right - maybe his voice hasn't been fully honed yet, but there are some brilliant songs.

Right, with Bowie, you couldn't know if it was a new persona (the thinner white duke?) or something else. It not only feels shocking, but also like a bit of a tease - like his new persona is doing what his album says. Which it is, but still. Ugh, I can't believe he's gone.

WBLM in Maine is doing pretty well with a tribute, too. Not constant, but a few songs an hour.