
I mean, this is how people argue about everything nowadays. In the interest of making easier for them to "win" they lump everyone they disagree with into one monolithic ball and assume they all have the most extreme views on whatever it is they disagree about it.

So we just end up not talking about determining that point on the line, which is where I believe the real meat of the debate is, because some people don't want to admit spanking could ever be abuse, and others don't want to entertain the idea that spanking could ever not be abuse.

It's cool if you're vehemently pro- or anti-spanking/beating/whooping, but some of us (especially those who aren't parents yet) are still up in the air about it.

One of the biggest misconceptions about feminism is that women have to blindly support each other. Taylor seems like a lovely person but she's not above critique.

If it's any consolation, I've always hated Mayomore

You're right, that's a disturbing but predictable trend.

Isn't a whole a sum of its parts ?Aren't trends shaped by individual events ? So yes this movie and this casting is a part of the whole and part of the trend and fair game . I cant help notice your insistence on using pejorative terms Angry/ Blast ??about my critique that contained not one inflammatory word ???

Ok So this is what being deliberately obtuse looks like

You use the word nit picking because you clearly lack the social or historical context to understand what I am talking about yet still you babble on . None of my posts have been angry , you know nothing about me , you are the one who made that quantum leap and introduced the word into the conversation.

Please don't be disingenuous a reasonable assumption from my first post is that I'm BW (i.e. We ) so just because you didn't spell it out it was also "clear" exactly what you meant with the word "angry ' Also your insistence to diminish my observations to " clearly you were looking for something to be upset"

Well you could stop seeing her as embodying a stereotype and view her as astute. That, if you knew anything about black film, you'd see she's pretty much hitting the head on the nail.

And If you don't want to be a jerk stop stereotyping people there was nothing in my post that was "angry " people critique movie plots here quite often. The few movies that have been coming out in recent mths that feature BM the 'Desired" female lead is either Latin /White/ Biracial hence my "yawn "as it getting

Wow Angry Black woman so original and totally unexpected .....

no, the problem is someone would rather take the chance of possibly causing a wreck than inconvenience themselves by having to double back to the exit they should have used. it happens ALL THE FUCKING TIME. oh damn, i'm about to miss that right turn. let me cross 2 lanes of traffic at the last minute instead of

this has nothing to do with overtaking, vs not overtaking, anyone.

...said someone in the 1700s.

Blaziken doesn't even look like a Pokemon. It's like a Digimon reject.

I like Bulbasaur from the anime, you can't hate on a Pokemon who's protecting other pokemon and saving the environment #datsolarbeamtho

Wow... Wow, this touched my heart, thank you for sharing. We've been grieving for so many black children recently, I couldn't help but think of Mike, Trayvon, Jordan, Renisha (and countless others). This video reminded me that we need to celebrate them, remember their joyfulness, youthfulness. What a beautiful short

Please change your tone, I am trying hard to understand your point-of-view as I hope you are mine. I understand that you strongly believe you are correct, but I do as well.