
I've borrowed money from my parents to get into real estate and paid them interest and as of next month will have paid them back in full. That being said, I don't lend to others. If a friend or family member needs a small amount of money (say $10-20) I'd just give it to them.

A curious experiment if you have a landline: have her make a call on the landline and see if she uses her 'inside voice' or if she speaks at the same volume as with her mobile.

I'm seriously surprised there aren't more comments on this topic. I'm only irritated when people are speaking LOUDLY on their cell phone, which happens far too often. With modern technology you can speak very quietly on a cell phone and your conversant will hear you just fine. Also, if you cup your hand over your

Thanks - missed that.

Sorry to be obtuse, but what problem is this solving?

As a landlord who only lists on Craigslist:

Wish I could get away with this, but cannot. As I am in 'leadership' if things go down and I'm not part of the discussion, adverse decisions might be made. We have five different locations throughout the county, so face to face is only possible occasionally, and with all of us having different schedules (we're open

For those who asked about the source of my 3 letter domain name:

I have a three letter .org domain I found on a website that helps you find expired domains. I use it for email and occasionally to advertise something for my side business.

Sorry for the bitchy comment... Too much bubbly last night.

This piece has a serious case of the obvious. Really? Couldn't come with anything better for the New Year?

I have a friend (deceased now) who became infected with HIV and the only portal of entry for him was orally. It is rare, but it happens.

What tiles will it be composed of?

It seems to me that Surface buyers are the same people who were Zune enthusiasts. I suspect sales of both devices will be similar.

I once got a free onion ring thrown in with my fries. I ate it and have felt guilty ever since ;-)

UPS mostly.

Are all the typos in the Hollywood sign piece purposeful?

You're not required to stow newspapers or books. Nice to be able to have something to distract one's self during takeoff and landing, particularly if you are the anxious type.

I think about those horror movies where someone's broken into a home and this would allow the victim to alert the authorities in silence, perhaps from under the bed, in a closet or some other hidden location. Great idea!