
I find it incredibly difficult to adjust my chair unless I'm sitting on it. How does one push it down to the proper level without creating a new anti-ergonomic problem? I agree, however, with the intent of the post: feet flat and knees at 90 degrees. I moved into a new office and was pleased that an ergo specialist

And refurb iPads get a brand new shell and battery (and I believe screen) so it looks brand new. I would guess laptops, ipod touches and the like would have similar outer shell replacements so they look new, but not sure about that.

I know this is amateurish, but Samsung got fingered and so now it's going to rectify. Oh, my mind and word association.

I'm guessing gotye can be all three at once

sorry to say, but most currency is rectangular, so it is about rectangles :-)

The full sized (and probably the mini) iPad is particularly useful for taking secret shots. If you have it propped up on a table, say at a restaurant, or on your lap, you can move it ever so slightly to get what you want photographed in view and then take your picture. Most people don't consider tablets being used as

I think it's fine to use celebrities to endorse your product. Question is, when out in public, will they be USING that product? Most celebs I've seen (via paparazzi photos) are using iPhone or to a lesser extent android phones.

Thanks to Gizmodo, I knew youtube had original content, but never really thought to look for it. In my mind it seemed like they threw money at celebrity podcasts?

First thing I thought of was Caltrans. Our own beloved freeway workers. Way overstaffed for the work being done.

Is the chair model Rick? If so, I'd like to get him quick.

I was thinking Naseem Pedrad from SNL

sold out very quickly at the San Diego "flagship" store - Fashion Valley. And they usually get a larger volume than the other stores (my sources tell me they had 1000s for this launch).

they gotta fix that Amazon Locker shit - I ordered a cable just to test it out. Tracking confirmed it was delivered, but it took Amazon 36 HOURS to send me the unlock code. By 24 hours I gave up, called customer service, they shipped me a new one, OVERNIGHT, and gave me a $5 credit for the inconvenience. So they ate

Is it bad that every time I hear/read Tune in Tokyo I think about nipples?

Not to mention getting to watch an over the top flight attendant depart the plane via the emergency exit. But seriously - I really enjoyed my red eye on Jet Blue from San Diego to NYC - staff were great and in seat entertainment was good.

I figured they quit selling it because no one was buying it.

This is true with the iPhone (and probably others) headset jack - enough schmutz accumulated in mine that the headphone wouldn't transmit voice any longer (I believe that is the connector at the tip of the headphone jack). I used a small unraveled paperclip to clean mine out.

Not surprising he could've pulled this off (trash collecting). It was pretty easy to find Job's home address on Google priot to his death (his wife donated to charities and it listed their home address). Collecting celebrity trash has been going on for decades. I consider it an invasion of privacy, but some sport a

it's evolved - the other day I saw "finger art" of a penis and balls scrawled on the dusty hood of someone's car - and I don't think the occupants had a clue (best seen at a distance).

I've used a T-Mobile prepaid sim in my unlocked iPhone 4 and even an AT&T Gophone prepaid sim with no problems *voice only* though data is possible with the right plan and settings.