
come to the light Carol Ann... it's nice and warm here in the walled garden. (seriously though, if you need some tips switching over, let me know - I'm happy to help - I made the switch shortly after the first iPhone was introduced).

the Lego version: yes please.

except men have titties too. Women have no rudimentary prostates.

fun fact - 1 out of 100 people with breast cancer are men.

I didn't say smart people could try to pry it up with a crowbar.

I think in most cities in the US, someone would've used a crowbar or other similar tool and been off with it in a couple minutes.

Years ago I was stationed in Lubbock, TX @ Reese Air Force Base and they made a pit stop on our airfield with one of the shuttles much like the one featured in the video. It's quite an impressive thing to see up close. Thanks for the post.

I had a similar, though smaller, Nokia "bag" phone that plugged into my car's cigarette lighter. It was around $300 if I remember correctly. This was around 1991. My friend was an engineer for Nokia in Tampa, Florida. The sound quality was surprisingly good. I didn't know anyone else with a cell phone so all my calls

me too and I'm a huge fan of multiple ? and !

i vote for cra cra

if Jony gets too close to Ive = jive

That was a great (I almost said brilliant, but it's not really brilliant) idea. Akin to Bill Gates wanting batteries that can be installed in either direction and still work. Let's see that happen too.

Is Time Warner the only internet option in the area? Wonder how McDonalds has connectivity otherwise. I imagine some could tether off their smartphone as a backup option. Record heat in San Diego today (99 degrees along the coast) - since our 2 nuclear reactors are offline, a bit concerned about a power outage (and

I think the animation in one of the panels of the comic at the end of your article is causing it to flash, repeatedly. Should have the seizure advisory for this one rather than the Go Pro video.

would allowing such an animal to free fall result in Taming of the Shrew ? I know, it's bad...

What cell phone has an obnoxiously long name so by referring to it by its full name would be even more annoying?

Great pictures and commentary. Canines have stellar senses and smarts adaptable to most any environment with the proper training. And yes, very loyal and loving. Nice piece, Jesús.

I basically agree with others - those in Lompoc, Santa Maria, and San Luis Obispo and all the beaches in between are the Central Coast. However, Northern California starts around San Luis. I disagree with Bakersfield being in SoCal - no way.

Vote: Namecheap - they got my business from GoDaddy after the elephant shoot — particularly because they donated money to wildlife protection as an added bonus. They've been very good since I signed on.

I've got the same upgrade date, but I'm not clear if that's a partially subsidized or fully subsidized upgrade. When I bought iPhone 4S last year, I paid a bit extra ($200 I think) over the lower fully subsized rate, which I assumed was I hadn't been on contract for a full 2 years yet.