
Any word on using iPhone as a hotspot (ie. share data from iPhone to my laptop, iPad, etc)?

7th grade - Honeywell mainframe with dumb terminals, learned BASIC and Teach languages (1976). Later got my own TRS-80 Model 1 with 4K onboard memory and cassette recorder for saving/loading programs.

I use Dragon dictation at work, it works quite well.

My fave find recently was a PCMCIA adapter to read the memory card for the Apple QuickTake camera I bought on eBay.

When I was a med student, we use give IV alcohol to patients going through withdrawal.

I think it's "crooks and old farts."

As an AAPL shareholder, I approve!

With tax (in California) + shipping it's two for $14.60 - no option to buy just one.

Chrome causes trouble on my late 2009 iMac 24" (on Lion):


The bonus feature is you can rest your laptop or iPad on the baby's head... Everyone wins!

The production video reminds me of the acting caliber of a bad porn.

I applaud their efforts but two things are glaring:

There are many styluses (styli?) out there that work well with iPad.

Ann Perkins, that LITERALLY made me dizzy.

Would you be ok with using an existing button (iPhone uses volume up) to snap a picture?

HIV virus

It's going to be tough to power an i5 chip and allow for any serious gaming in a small package.

The Surface is, from what I've seen so far, a well thought out product.