
Interesting Q&A with Mr Ballmer nearly 2 years ago about Microsoft's tablet strategy (Windows 7 "and they're going to sell like crazy"):

Gotta wonder how much consumer models are benefitting from the military arm's R & D dept.

I've got a 2nd gen one and it really is great for hardwood floors and flat carpet.

Oxycodone is NOT codeine. It is the same ingredient that is in Percocet.

Frys (I'd you're near one) or [] often has new Windows laptops for less than $300.

All these in depth comments make my brain ache.

I found tons of private (home) networks while walking the streets of Venice (Italy) that were not password protected. Just plop down at a nearby bodega equivalent, get a beer, and catch up on email, etc.

I love how the promotional pic has the date information in English (for a service that is about to be introduced in France).

When I ask for my martini to be VERY dry, my bartender waves the (closed) vermouth bottle over the glass.

From what I've read the blue color was optional. And really most important in rigs with both USB 2 and USB 3 ports so users could distinguish the two.

Love my Vizio LCD (55" 3D), but the Bluray player was an unmitigated mess.

Sad thing is, our workstations (at work) were just upgraded to ie7 from ie6.

Reverse principal reduction?

I might!

Thanks! Worked like a charm.

Thank you for taking the time to explain.

OK , dumb question: simplest way to activate emoji in non-Japanese countries?

They're new to the neighborhood.

According to some sources, the rate of circumcision in the US had dropped to 33% in 2009.

We use iPads in our medical practice (currently on a trial basis) - all of our software is Windows based.