
I believe it'd still be cheaper (on Verizon) then if you had the same service on their current family plans with unlimited, talk, text and 2GB data each.

I don't think so.

The guy in the picture is hot. But my guess is he's not the 49 year old in question.

You know you can dismiss the notification bar (at the top) by swiping it to the left.

I'll just leave this here.

I miss chatroulette - never knew what might pop up.

There is money to be made in the bariatric business (plus sized people):

that's - disgusting.

Well, in many cities you don't need to dial the area code if the number you're dialing shares the same area code your phone number has.

i prefer the open faced sandwich approach:

How about his use of Rimshot at the end? Jesus, tell me this whole thing was just tongue in cheek!

Interesting ephemera.

Not true. With no moving parts, these things generally last 'forever' - in quotes, because nothing is forever.

I think Thomas Edison was one of the first to discover that sound can be 'heard' via the teeth.

Wouldn't surprise me either. El Goog, are you listening?

For those fearful of bed bugs and human filth, consider this:

Off topic: we could soon have 51 states if Puerto Rico decides to join us.

I was wondering the exact same thing.

As an aside for those who cannot tolerate gluten: be sure to check the fillers and binders of any medication you may take (even over the counter meds) as they may contain gluten as well.

I suspect there's a spectrum of people who's GI systems don't do well with gluten. Our GI docs have said as much because even if testing for celiac disease comes up negative, it never hurts to try a gluten free diet to see if it helps.